About Us

Yoga is for EVERY body!

At Lighthouse Yoga, our mission is to support the health and well-being of the YOU in your body. Wherever your body comes from and whatever your body looks like, you are important to us and so is your wellness journey. We are here to create community and invite you in to a space where we provide an opportunity to use all of the benefits that Yoga has to support your heart, your body, and your mind.

Our goal is to be a safe, warm, and loving environment for all of our neighbors.



hy did I open a studio?

New Year's resolutions were not my thing, but in 2013 I decided that I needed to change my life so a resolution was in order. A moment’s glimpse of myself in the mirror told me that I was indeed depressed, overly stressed out, anxious, and hadn’t come up for air in a long time. Knowing that I wouldn’t stick to a resolution if it didn’t have a built in system of integrity and accountability, I decided that starting a serious and daily practice of yoga was the path to finding a healthier way of life.

    About two years into my daily practice, I was in a life changing car accident. It was one of those moments of pure clarity that allowed me to really dive even deeper into yoga as a modality of healing, spiritual connection, and transformation. In order to keep my body sound and relatively pain free, yoga had to become more than an exercise. It had to become a way of life, and this life has brought me more joy, more connection, and more hope than I have ever experienced. I have much to learn, and though I came to yoga looking to be healthier, the journey continues to be one of self discovery and the continuous opening of my mind and heart to this world.

    Life doesn’t stop throwing us all curve balls. It can be hard and wonderful. Exhausting and exhilarating. It can be painful and incredibly joyous. And we are all challenged with finding our way through intact. The practice of yoga can lead us to understand ourselves better and the byproducts of this study are healthier bodies, minds, and hearts. We can learn to withstand the pressures of modern life and mitigate the stress and anxiety of daily living. We can become more connected to each other and create communities built on love and respect. For this opportunity to create community with you, I am grateful.

Wahe Guru!

“If you can’t see G.O.D in all, you can’t see G.O.D. at all.”

Kundalini Yoga Sutra


At Lighthouse Yoga PDX, we think it’s important to be clear about where we stand as a business. As a white woman owned yoga studio, the irony of that isn’t lost on us. It is our job, my job, to teach yoga and honor its history, its roots, and the yogic sciences and philosophy the best we can. It is a lifetime of learning and growing. Part of this is the understanding that all of us, this work, this Universe, is a reflection of G.O.D.

Humee Hum Brahm Hum. We are we, we are one.

We believe Black Lives Matter. We believe Trans Lives Matter. We believe in body autonomy. Women’s rights are human rights. We believe in religious freedom. And the list goes on…but I think you can see where we stand.

Through connection and love we can begin to truly SEE that we are all a part of the same miracle of life. When we can understand that, when we can open our hearts, we can start to work together to end the suffering of others and liberate us all. It is humbling, sometimes hard, sometimes we fail, but it’s incredibly wonderful when we give ourselves the gift of self discovery and self compassion. When we open our eyes to our own dharma, our acts of love, great and small, will lead us to a better world.